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Our stint in Time is but a flint.
We glint from new mint to old lint.
- Chito L. Aguilar -
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The 4B Stags
Published Works
Feature articles, poems, stories, and other Stags works published in other venues and sites (Netvibes, Blogspots, Facebook, etc.)
A collection of video poems makes us find respite "amid the noise and haste"; and helps dissipate the "noisy confusion of life".
Find time to play games and relax.
Reflections@50: A Contemplative Multi-media Experience
Snippets of thought and poems from "Shifting Shades & In-betweens", by Chito L. Aguilar. Don your stereo headsets for a contemplative AV experience that may lull you to sleep or give you chimes that you can keep.
Interesting Photo Slideshows
Watch these beautiful collection of high quality photo slideshows from around the world for a relaxing entertainment.
Today's Quote :"Remembering is the future tense of forgetting. Forgetting is the past tense of remembering." - Chito L. Aguilar -
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Registered Stags (chronological order)Chito Sam Noel Dennis L. Chi Melo Zaldy Charlie Al Badette Mulo Toots Malou Dennis D. Bob
Poems, Articles & Other Works
Gone Grey
Gone Grey (Go grey, go stray!) "The sky from my window is as grey as our pants in high school.” -Text message from Bob P., My reply: i see the grey sky – the same sky you see from your window, sans the stray mist. our grey pants are but jaded memory that faded with the swings and flings of our teens. gone too, our adolescent whim and whimsical denim gnawed by Time-vermin. our grey pants and stray wants, we let go. the grey sky and stray mist too, we let go. in shifting shades they just fade away (as I stray) as our hair turns grey.(- between pants-grey and hair-grey are thirty-summers-jay.) (c) Chito L. Aguilar - 2004
Category: Published Works | Added by: chito (2010-08-15)
| Author: Chito L. Aguilar E W
Views: 448
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